This was a poster project for my Graphic Design II class this semester. All of the text was provided for us so we just had to figure out where and how to set it up. Along with figuring out the composition of the poster we also had to pick out the colors and effects we would be using. I split my poster which, is 11" x 17," into thirds. So the title
Design Culture Now occupies 2/3's of the poster. I did this so it was obviously the main focus and the first thing someone would look at. I decided to use cool colors for the the title. Blues and greens which I made transparent to add some appeal. At the bottom third of the poster I have all of the information of the Artists' and their studio information. Above the artist information I have the address of the museum so that shows a
hierarchy so someone who passed by this poster would read the title first, then the address, and then the artist information. I decided to have the names of each artist in a red color. I did this so someone looking at this poster could and would easily be able to see what was important. I also staggered the artist names so they would be easier to read. Overall I think that this poster was successful and accomplished the guidelines of the assignment.
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