Monday, April 5, 2010

YMCA Poster

I have a buddy that works at the YMCA and he runs the skatepark there. He asked me if I could design a flyer for the spring opening April 17th. I said yes even though I wasn't going to be getting paid because my friend was in a bit of a bind. He had to get it done Easter weekend, so I had one day to get it done for him. So this is what I came up with. It took about 4 hours start to finish.

Monday, March 15, 2010

2D Design project

Here is a 2D Design project that I had to do 2 semesters ago. The assignment was to create a stencil then lay it over a grid. Once we had that done we had to work with figure ground reversal, which basically means to switch back and forth from black and white each time a shape goes over the grid. When finished one can actually see the grid used for the project. This particular assignment called for us to use black sharpie markers, so we had to be very careful when applying the ink because if you made a mistake it was very hard to fix. Luckily I took my time with this one and no mistakes were made. I believe that this project came out quite well. It almost looks like something one would find in an optic illusion book.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Latest Graphic Design work

This was a poster project for my Graphic Design II class this semester. All of the text was provided for us so we just had to figure out where and how to set it up. Along with figuring out the composition of the poster we also had to pick out the colors and effects we would be using. I split my poster which, is 11" x 17," into thirds. So the title Design Culture Now occupies 2/3's of the poster. I did this so it was obviously the main focus and the first thing someone would look at. I decided to use cool colors for the the title. Blues and greens which I made transparent to add some appeal. At the bottom third of the poster I have all of the information of the Artists' and their studio information. Above the artist information I have the address of the museum so that shows a hierarchy so someone who passed by this poster would read the title first, then the address, and then the artist information. I decided to have the names of each artist in a red color. I did this so someone looking at this poster could and would easily be able to see what was important. I also staggered the artist names so they would be easier to read. Overall I think that this poster was successful and accomplished the guidelines of the assignment.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Before and After

After taking pictures of most of my portfolio work, all of the images were saturated. They all came out with a slight warm color from the overhead lights that we forgot to turn off. So I had to take each image and adjust them in Photoshop until they looked correct. After I got the right color and contrast I did some minor cropping just to get rid of the borders going around the images. In the two images you can see the big difference between the before and after.

Monday, February 8, 2010


This was the first assignment from my Graphic Design II class this semester. The main objective was to create a self-portrait using the letters and numbers from one type face. The font had to be a classic, like Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica etc. It couldn't be some crazy decorative font that you could barely read. We weren't allowed to stretch or skew the letters in any way, but we were able to change the size and angles of them. I picked the Adobe Garamond Pro font and chose not to use any numbers for my face. Here are all the letterforms I used; S,C,O,J,U. I also used a comma and a parenthesis. Our professor wanted us to create the face so that one would recognize the image before they realized it was composed of letters and numbers. So this is what I created in the 30 minutes we had left in class. Although it doesn't quite resemble what I actually look like, I feel it is a successful piece. When I look at it I see the face first letters second. That's one reason why I believe it's a successful piece. The second reason is because I was was able to convey an emotion just by placing letters in certain places. If we had more time to work on this project I think I could have made it look more like me though. I think that in my free time I may actually go back and work on it some more until it looks more like me.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010